Current Work These seven works were shown at an exhibition held by Skåne Art Association in Oktober 2003. Several of the paintings are in acrylic on canvas. Their titles reflect the date they were completed. Using the circle as my central form, I laid down thin layers of colour. The resulting translucence yields new colour combinations and in this way creates shifting impressions on the eye.
Searchwords: painting, acrylic painting, layer paint, acrylicpaint, Malmö Art Academy, Forum Art School in Malmö, Nordic Art School in Karleby, Finland, Art school in Kristianstad, Skånes Konstförening, Konstfrämjandet S:t Gertrud, Galleri Båstadsgatan 4, Forumgalleriet, Galleri 54, Wanås, Statens Konstråd, Malmö konststudio, Lengertz konstpris, Konstnärsnämnden, Sparbankssiftelsen Skåne, Malmö Stad kulturstipendium
About Magdalena Svensson
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Page 1. The 14th of May 2003 Acrylic paint on canvas, 125 x 140 cm.
Page 2. The 13th of March 2003 Acrylic paint on canvas, 125 x 140 cm.
Page 3. The 26th of July 2003 Acrylic paint on canvas, 125 x 140 cm.
Page 4. The 7th of July 2003 Acrylic paint on canvas, 125 x 140 cm.
Page 5. The 7th of February 2003 Acrylic paint on canvas, 180 x 200 cm.
Page 6. The 20th of June 2003 Acrylic paint on canvas, 190 x 205 cm.
Page 7. The 18th of January 2002 Acrylic paint on canvas, 24 x 24 cm.
Colour photos by Magnus Denker