Her work, to fully understand what was happening during the thirties and forties roots in Nazigermany, is maybe impossible. But together with Elisabet Blomberg has Sundström the intention that with artistic and journalistic method search both knowledge and sense for the awful. Once more this with perspective, memories and how the private made to something universal applicability. The work, Jag och Hitler, Oma und Enkel, Vom Himmel och Steckelsdorf, is a part of Wiedergutmachung/Reparations and is a be in progress project between Elisabet Blomberg and Maria Sundström. Wiedergutmachung begun 1998, it deals searching one´s own.
Searchwords: Reparations, colour photography, video
Om Maria Sundström
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Page 1. Cover.
Page 2. Jag och Hitler/Me and Hitler. In "Jag och Hitler" she has placed herself in focus. Dressed in a red sweater she waves agitatedly against the observer. The look is very aggressive. You get the feeling that in encounter Hitler, she puts him against the wall. Simultaneusly as she gives outflow not only for her own but also the universal frustration and sorrow. frustrationen och sorgen.
Page 3. Oma und Enkel. In 1936 Christel Forck tured twenty. She lived in Berlin and went to a seminar to become a nursery-school teacher. She had just finished trainee on a special school, when she met her husband to be, that was my grandfather. He was a Nazi. Fortyfive years later I turned twenty...
Page 4. Vom Himmel. On one wall breaths the sky blue and white, a piece of cloth soar like mislead birds, but now and then smoke flows over the picture. And the cloth take little by little a dark and threatening figure. We then know what this imagining hover over, it turns the meaning also in this image.
Page 5 Steckelsdorf. 25 of August 1998. Somebody had reflected and left a sign for me, in this little town near Berlin.
Page 6. Text.