For a few years I have been working with the relation between home & identity. I have done projects which have to do with home; someone else’s home, or my own living situation. Dealing with home, temporary or permanent, the time invested in the place is usually shown as a kind of craft. That aspect, as well as the everyday life, make the home become like a portrait of the person who lives there. My interest have been drawn to houses made by non-architects. In these type of houses, re-used materials are very common. In some cases the houses are flexible and moveable. Also in my own artwork I use materials such as my old clothes, plastic bags, cardboard boxes and so on. I like to invest time in my projects, and my type of work often includes some handicraft aspect. In general, I work with space. Hopefully my work is foldable and portable from one place to another. In the end of a project, I usually present an installation, sometimes also photographs. I have related my work to the home of the Swedish artist Einar Hylander (project called ”Another room but Einar’s), to the home of Finnish Elis Sinistö (project made together with John Håkansson called ”Sightseeing Elis Sinistö’s Villa Juice”) and to the homes of ”the blue people of Tokyo” (called ”Temporary Tokyo”).
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Images: 1. Somewhere else in Malmö, 2003 (installation view from Gallery Mia Sundberg, project wall)
Somewhere Else in Malmö is a series of photographs taken in the city of Malmö. The 41 photographs show mostly restaurants where the name of each restaurant indicate an international flavour despite the local street address.
2. Somewhere else in Malmö, 2002 (detail from installation 2003)
3. Inneboende (Lodger), 2003 (installation view from Gallery Leena Kuumola, Helsingfors, Finland 2004)
The project deals with the relation between home and identity. The starting point of this work is the poor housing situation in Stockholm. I had to move around on short-term contacts where my only belonings were some bags of clothes. From this situation came the idea of how to build a room made of my own clothes: Transforming my old clothes and other textile materials into ’building sticks’ made it possible to create an architectual structure. This architectual structure occupy a part of the exhibition room in a symbolic way just like a lodger. Lodger is in its nature flexible and foldable, ready to be packed in bags for the next move…
