Private and public rooms Private and public rooms I made the drawings when I was artist-in-residence in Helsinki, Finland. I read books and watched films. Afterwards I drew associations, memories, and pictures that had came up. Both of the photos Public rooms come from the work Twenty-one short paragraphs, a series of text-drawings and colour photos. They originates from short paragraphs from the daily paper, and deals with incidents of sexual molestation. Handlungsanweisung is my text for a permanent work for Kunsthalle Wien in Austria. It is one of one hundred signs in the project Handlungsanweisungen at Karlsplatz, the park outside the Kunsthalle. In Pages these form a new context.
Searchwords: private rooms, public rooms, Johnny Mnemonic, William Gibson, Fittstim, Linda Skugge, Belinda Olsson, Simone de Beauvoir, Toril Moi; L'être et le néant, Jean-Paul Sartre, The Texas chain-saw massacre, Handlungsanweisungen, Sara Arrhenius, Anders Zorn, Dalecarlian girls, Das Unheimliches, Sigmund Freud
About Elisabet Apelmo
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Page 1. Lo Tec, ur Johnny Mnemonic, W. Gibson, pencil and felt pen drawing. Page 2. Anci B. against the wall, sixth form, (Fittstim, L. Skugge/B. Olsson). Page 3. "Vetenskapsmannen är en jägare som överraskar en naken, vit kropp och våldtar den med sin blick" from Simone de Beauvoir, T. Moi, quotation from L'être et le néant, J-P. Sartre, pencil and felt pen drawing. Page 4. Public rooms I, colour photo. Sid 5. The Texas chain-saw massacre, pencil and felt pen drawing. Page 6. Handlungsanweisung: "Dies ist eine Anweisung um ein gutes Opfer zu werden", acrylic painting. Page 7. Young boy, from "En riktig kvinna" S. Arrhenius, pencil-drawing. Page 8. Anders Zorns Dalecarlian girls on their own premises, (Fittstim), pencil and felt pen drawing. Page 9. Public rooms II, colour photo. Page 10. Das Unheimliches, S. Freud.