Magnus Ottertun and Cecilia Sterner |
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Cecilia Sterner and Magnus Ottertun worked during the spring of 2007 as artists within Skiss Skåne (link in swedish) at the Regional Development division (link in swedish) at Region Skåne. At this division communicators, social and environmental markers, developers, statisticians, coordinators, social planners, demographers and strategists work with development issues within Skåne.
The artists looked the Regional Development division up themselves before the Skiss project. They received immediate response from strategist Gunne Arensson Lövgren who came to be their contact.
To observe at meetings about Skåne’s future often generated ideas for the artists’ work. The focus of their work was often based on people’s individual experience in the past and their experiences today. The different professions at the division work on issues concerning the future. The artists’ work method may be described as internal actions meant to create direct reactions from the personnel. Gunne Arnesson Lövgren has examined what reactions the artists created at the work place. She will comment on this at a Skiss Skåne seminar in September.
The following brief examples illustrate some of the internal actions at the work place. In the publication there are more detailed presentations.
Managerial post strategists could suddenly be asked by the artists after an informal presentation of an important document concerning the future of Skåne whether they wanted during a few seconds time draw an abstract picture of the future.
Uncommented pictures of pieces of art were regularly sent to the personnel’s e-mail from the artists, this never roused any questions directed directly to the artists from the personnel.
Employees got the opportunity to take part of a temporary storytelling group lead by the artists. This group was organized by the artists after they had taken part of a meeting about integration in a different county which in part was based on the stories of the inhabitants of the county.
Sometimes personnel and on occasion visitors were confronted with temporary installations by the artists. A piece by the artists which will be concretely used by Region Skåne is an ad campaign to increase the regional issue at grass root level. The artists created for Region Skåne sake a personal add as well as a page at Spray date.
A consequence of the Skiss project for the artists is an invite to a workshop at the public health pedagogue education at the college of Kristianstad during the autumn. They will also contribute with thoughts about the Responsibility Committee’s evaluation in collaboration with a meeting between Region Skåne and Region Västra Götaland.
