v. 21+0 - 25+3 Suddenly all the theorising and all the attempts to analyse end up in my very lap, so to speak, giving way to a tangible physical transformation and a changed state of mind. New spaces are developed within the old and well-known ones, and I follow with fascination and a certain anxiety this new come-into-being, this fusion of two entities now having sprouted into a third. Deep inside of me all this is happening that I have formerly just been able to speculate about as a kind of spatial double exposures: this space formed between two worlds, from what we apprehend as emptiness, the invisible and the inaudible, to a parallel space, a gap that has suddenly become a vessel of creation for something or - like in this case - someone.
Searchwords: drawing, condition, point of view, corporeal, change, transformation, expect
About Joanna Thede
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