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book x 3
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1. book x 3
(Bok x 3/bok x 3 - English)
...later be sent to be bound as one book instead of three. And thirdly the three books were to have different colours on the cover, front and endpaper and of course three different embossed printings on ...

2. Amalia Årfelt
(Publikation(pages) Deltagare/Deltagande konstnärer - English)
Search words: colours, oil colour, bright colours, animals, duvor, cat, pig, concrete, birds, owls, bull, polyester, rat About Amalia Årfelt Download Screen version 1 Mb Print versio

3. Maria Sundström info
(Publikation(pages) DeltagarInfo/Konstnärsinfo - English)
...ols for idealism in the exhibitioncases with collected cloth classified and exposed in a harmonic range of colours. ...

4. Zsuzsanna Gilice
(Publikation(pages) Deltagare/Deltagande konstnärer - English) thin pencil lines in the grey pencil thickness, and then I draw around the motives. Almost endless grey colours arise, and it becomes difficult to discover the subtle motives at a first glance. In ...

5. Search
(Static Content)
... birds Bizarre dreams blank/emty blue BokorHill book edge Border Border crossing brightcolours building bull Candy cat cat cat cats ceiling chair change Charl...

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